The Departed Ones

The Departed Ones pays homage to our ancestors who walked the earth before us. Nature’s eternal landscape reminds us of our shared experience, the soil and stones tethering us through the ages. This piece has hand-made texture and acrylic with Sedona sandstone, cottonwood buds, dried sunflower and iron oxidized to rust to inspire remembrance. Sold […]

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Bone Moon

This piece is Bone Moon, my nod to the lunar season when trees shed and the prairie prepares for cold. Acrylic with earth pigments and limestone to symbolize impermanence. Sold to a new collector in California. […]

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Tree Spirit

This painting was inspired by a large section of bark that fell from an ancient Cottonwood standing watch at the edge of a field. I burned the bark and used the wood ash with acrylic and iron oxidized to rust to create this piece that honors the spirit of the tree. Late season Cottonwoods shed […]

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Plains Tornado

Tornados reset the balance of nature. This piece is inspired by the tremendous power of a plains thunderstorm to affect change. It contains natural elements to balance earth and sky, including pigments, soil, plains limestone and rainwater. Sold to a collector in Kansas. […]

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Beltane Fire

It is a custom in the old world to light bonfires around May 1 (half way between the spring equinox and summer solstice) to protect cattle and crops. This rural practice marked the beginning of pastoral summer. The celebration is called Beltane, and the smoke and ashes were thought to hold protective powers and encourage […]

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Alluvial Plain

Prairie thunderstorms bring rainy torrents to the muddy deeps of Kansas rivers. This painting is inspired by the deposition of sediment from the periodic flooding of the Smoky Hill. At such times, nature reminds us that all things are constantly evolving into a new state of being. This high texturized painting contains limestone, rust and rainwater […]

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Allhallowtide, traditionally between October 31 and November 2, is a time to remember the saints who passed before us. In nature, it marks the time when light yields to darkness. This pale, prairie moon illuminates the dark sky and encourages us to have faith in all seasons. In the words of St. Julian of Norwich, […]

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Harvest Moon

Tonight the Harvest Moon rises. This magical moon announces autumn’s arrival, a time when prairie life transitions to quiet. It reminds us to slow our pace.  This painting is my rendition of the powerful moon. It is infused with iron to signify strength. I transformed the metal into rust using a handmade recipe. It is […]

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White Frost on the Grass

Brisk dawns presage the first frost which descends upon the prairie like a cool blanket, gently laid by the north wind. Nature signals that the busy growing season has ended and the quiet time is upon us. Acrylic with iron and Kansas limestone. 36×24. This is part of the Russell Regional Hospital collection. […]

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Stone People

This painting honors the stones of the earth. It is loaded with prairie rock that I finely ground with a mortar and pestle then made into a paint using an old fashioned recipe. I combined this earthy, handmade paint with modern acrylic to create this homage to stones, and the wisdom they hold about the […]

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